July 7, 2024 11:09 AM
Libby Mettam
WA Liberal Leader
Merome Beard
Shadow Minister for Child Protection; Disability Services; Heritage

Tom Price Hospital will be fully funded and completed within the first term of a WA Liberal Government, according to WA Liberal Leader and Shadow Health Minister Libby Mettam.

“A Mettam Liberal Government will start and finish the Tom Price Hospital by the end of our first term.

“Tom Price Hospital is another example of Labor’s failures and wrong priorities – they promised to build the hospital in 2021 but have done nothing,” said Ms Mettam.

“Despite this region delivering much of the resources boom, locals have felt none of it - less than 0.01 per cent of the royalties generated in the Pilbara were spent there by the Cook Labor Government.

“While Roger Cook has squandered royalties generated in the Pilbara on METRONET, the local shire got so desperate for the promised hospital they had to launch a campaign in Perth trying to force the Government to act but they’re still being ignored.”

WA Labor committed to building a new hospital during the 2021 election campaign, at the cost of $32.8 million, with $12.8 million from a State Government contribution and $20 million from Rio Tinto.

Construction was intended to begin at the end of 2021; however, the hospital is another victim of the Government’s METRONET blow outs and won’t start until 2027.

“Even with funding from the private sector, and record surpluses, the Cook Labor Government have only allocated $77,000 in funding,” said Ms Mettam.

“Funding just $77,000 for Tom Price shows the Health Minister either doesn’t care about regional health or is so out of her depth she can’t convince the Treasurer to deliver the funding Tom Price deserves.

“Tom Price isn’t asking for a Fiona Stanley-style tertiary hospital – they’re just asking for a primary hospital that isn’t dilapidated and is younger than 60.”

The announcement was welcomed by both Merome Beard, Member for North West Central and Amanda Kailis, Liberal Candidate for Pilbara.

“I have long been advocating, along with the Shire of Ashburton, for Tom Price Hospital, a commitment to fully funding and building the hospital is nothing short of what the Pilbara deserves,” Merome Beard, Member for North West Central, said.

“At the end of the day, METRONET may save time, but hospitals save lives.”

In addition to serving 22,000 locals and FIFO workers, Tom Price Hospital – along with Paraburdoo Hospital – serves the 330,000 people who visit nearby national parks every year if they need medical attention.

“Western Australians deserve access to healthcare in modern facilities wherever they live,” Amanda Kailis, Liberal Candidate for Pilbara, said.

“Tom Price Hospital is essential for ensuring the future of regional health for the whole Pilbara region – I know this announcement will be keenly welcomed by locals and visitors alike.”

Fast-tracking the Tom Price Hospital is a critical step in the WA Liberals’ broader commitment to addressing healthcare disparities in regional and remote Western Australia.

“Roger Cook wouldn’t let his local hospital fall into such a state, and if it is not good enough for his own constituents, it shouldn’t be good enough for any Western Australian,” Ms Mettam said.

“METRONET is sucking up all the attention and money of a government that can’t walk and chew gum, with Western Australian’s health paying the price.”

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