• A Mettam Liberal government will invest $225 million in the grade separated interchange project at the Reid Highway/Erindale Road intersection.
• Perth’s worst intersection hotspot will get the investment it needs to boost safety, increase productivity, and bust congestion.
• A Mettam Liberal government will seek an 80/20 funding split with the federal government for this crucial project.
The WA Liberals will invest $225 million to build a new grade separated interchange at the notorious intersection of Reid Highway and Erindale Road, identified as the worst intersection in Perth.
Congestion at the intersection is estimated to have cost the WA economy $21.3 million in 2023-24, with the number of vehicles moving through the intersection on the rise, daily traffic volume is expected to grow to 111,000 by 2054.
Liberal Leader Libby Mettam said Main Roads flagged the intersection as a major problem in August 2023, with the RAC raising concerns as far back as 2019.
“WA Labor’s eight years of failure to address this intersection has put lives at risk, worsened congestion in the northern suburbs, and hurt local businesses,” Mettam said.
“It’s taken eight years for WA Labor to admit what our northern suburbs motorists have known for a long time, that this intersection needs fixing.
“Motorists can blame WA Labor for their cynical move to announce this right before an election, across Perth’s northern suburbs, right now motorists will be asking why has it taken eight years for WA Labor to act.
“Only a Mettam Liberal Government can be trusted to deliver the local infrastructure projects that our communities across WA need.”
Ms Mettam further added that whilst a Mettam Liberal Government will guarantee a $225 million investment in this project, that an 80/20 funding split will be sought with the federal government, matching the arrangement committed to for the Bruce Highway project in Queensland.
“Western Australia deserves its fair share from the federal government when it comes to investment in critical infrastructure projects” Ms Mettam said.
“Under Roger Cook’s leadership, Western Australians are being short-changed by the Albanese Labor Government, if an 80/20 funding arrangement is good enough for Queensland, it’s good enough for Western Australia.
Liberal spokesperson for transport, Hon. Tjorn Sibma MLC, congratulated his local community for their tireless advocacy for this project.
“I want to congratulate my community in Perth’s northern suburbs for their tireless advocacy for upgrades to the intersection of Erindale Road and Reid Highway.” Mr Sibma said.
“In particular I would like to acknowledge our local WA Liberal candidates for Carine and Kingsley, Liam Staltari and Scott Edwardes, who have advocated for their local communities and delivered this much needed solution to this intersection.
“Only a Mettam Liberal Government can be trusted to deliver the new grade separated interchange project at the intersection Erindale Road and Reid Highway.”
Scott Edwardes, WA Liberal candidate for Kingsley, noted the growing frustrations of local motorists in his area about WA Labor’s failure to deliver this project.
“Today’s commitment by the WA Liberals is a win for my local community in the Kingsley electorate, who for years have advocated for a fix to this intersection.” Mr Edwardes said.
“Not only do the numbers tells us that this is the worst intersection in Perth, but frustrated motorists across my community will also tell you, this is the worst intersection in Perth.
“This intersection has been a nightmare for years and WA Labor have refused to act.
Despite a $2.5 million business case completed last year, nothing has been done.
“This is the now the second election I’ve fought for this issue. Residents are increasingly frustrated, as they spend more and more time stuck in traffic and less time at their homes and workplaces.
“This is the solution my community has been waiting for.”
Liam Staltari, WA Liberal candidate for Carine, welcomed today’s announcement for upgrades to this intersection.
“This commitment will be welcomed by locals in Carine.” Mr Staltari said.
“Locals are telling me that instead of spending more time at work, or with their families, they’re increasingly stuck in congestion at traffic hotspots like the intersection of Erindale Road and Reid Highway.
“Today’s announcement from the WA Liberals means that the end is finally in sight for families in my community, who for eight years now have seen nothing but inaction from the Cook Labor government.”