WA Liberals Will Streamline Environmental Approvals to Unleash Investment

June 6, 2024 6:00 AM
Libby Mettam
WA Liberal Leader
Neil Thomson
Shadow Minister for Treasury; Environment

A WA Liberal Government will streamline the environmental approvals process to get the State Government out of the way, and let industry do what it does best: innovate for the future and create jobs; while ensuring we maintain world-class standards to protect our environment.

“According to the WA Chamber of Commerce, $318 billions of known investments for major projects is currently awaiting environmental approvals,” said Libby Mettam, WA Liberal Leader.

“Labor’s delays are killing jobs and killing investment.

“Under a Government I lead, clearing that backlog of environmental approvals will be a priority from day one.”

The Vogel-McFerran Review commissioned by the Cook Labor Government, contains sensible recommendations to improve the environmental approval process, despite this Labor has implemented just a handful of the recommendations.

“In typical Labor fashion, they have only implemented the reform which creates a new office in the Perth CBD and established across-departmental working group,” said Neil Thomson, Shadow Environment Minister.

“Labor has just created more bureaucracy and done nothing to get dirt moving.

“Peter Dutton’s recent commitment to halving environmental approval timeframes, and to handing decision making power back to the states is welcome news for WA but will mean nothing under the Cook Labor Government, which continues to hold up billions in new projects,” said Mr Thomson

A Liberal Government will immediately implement our plan to streamline WA’s approval processes to harness the potential of our natural resources in a responsible manner.

“Streamlining the environmental approvals process will boost investment, particularly in critical mineral exploration and foster job creation in WA,” said Ms Mettam.

“It will position WA as a key player in the burgeoning critical minerals sector.

“Our Plan will drive innovation, economic prosperity, and environmental stewardship, while laying the groundwork for a vibrant and sustainable future for our state and its residents.”

Despite the Cook Labor Government’s commitment to declare war on green tape’ it is clear WA Labor is paralysed by an ideology fundamentally at odds with supporting our resources industry.

“Despite his promises, Roger Cook has neglected the environmental approvals system, and he is not serious about reforming it,” said Ms Mettam.

In addition to streamlining the environmental approvals process, a WA Liberal Government will reinvigorate the Economic Regulation Authority (ERA).

“The ERA is WA’s own independent economic and regulatory policy assessment body, which has languished under Labor,” said Mr Thomson.

“We will reinvigorate it, to increase transparency about Government policy and decision making with independent economic reviews.”

“By contrast to Roger Cook’s inaction, a Liberal Government I lead will be relentless about creating the right business environment to unlock new markets and forge prosperity for future generations of Western Australians,” said Ms Mettam."

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