July 14, 2024 9:08 AM
Libby Mettam
WA Liberal Leader
Steve Martin
Shadow Minister for Housing; Forestry

The Yanchep MetroDEBT rail line has opened today, taking twice as long and costing WA taxpayers two and a half times as much as promised, according to Libby Mettam, WA Liberal Leader.

“The Cook Labor Government is today celebrating opening the Yanchep extension after it took twice as long and cost two and a half times as much as they promised taxpayers,” said Libby Mettam, WA Liberal Leader.

“The Yanchep extension alone has cost WA taxpayers the equivalent of almost $460 million per station.

“That’s around three times more money per station than what the Cook Labor Government spent on addressing ambulance ramping in their last budget.

“Today really highlights Roger Cook’s priorities, and it is not the health of Western Australians.”

WA has just experienced the worst June on record for ambulance ramping, with more than 5,700 hours in a single month.

“Ambulances have spent the equivalent of 30 years ramped, sitting outside hospitals, under Roger Cook and his Health Minister but at least he has a new train line to open today,” said Ms Mettam.

METRONET is the biggest budget blowout in WA’s history, according to Steve Martin, Deputy WA Liberal Leader.

“WA Labor promised the Yanchep extension would open in 2021 and would cost $532m – it is three years late and is more than three times more expensive than promised,” said Mr Martin

“Across the whole project METRONET has blown out by $10 billion, so far.

“There is nothing to celebrate, this Government should be embarrassed.

Roger Cook and WA Labor’s priorities are all wrong and they are out of their depth, according to Mr Martin.

“The unelected Cook Labor Government is out of its depth and is failing on the basics: ramping is beyond crisis levels, violent crime is out of control, and cost of living is through the roof,” he said

“Roger Cook can’t walk and chew gum – METRONET is sucking up all the attention and money of his government, while essential services suffer.”

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