Libby Mettam
Right Priorities
Media Centre
About Libby
Our Team
Cost of Living
Education & Children
Elective Surgery Guarantee - Investing in our health system
Remove the electricity tax - Delivering financial relief for WA families
Prioritising Children and Their Development - Investing in our future.
Workplace Protection Orders - Protecting employees and customers
100,000 NEW HOMES - Boosting WA's pipeline of housing supply
Payroll Tax - Empowering Small Businesses and Communities
Women and Babies Hospital - Listening to medical experts
Law & Order Plan - Supporting our frontline officers
Stamp Duty Relief - Taking action on WA's housing crisis
Elective Surgery Guarantee - Investing in our health system
Women and Babies Hospital - Listening to medical experts
Regional Health Development Initiative - Investing in our regional communities
Meningococcal B vaccination program - Saving Western Australian lives
Regional Patients: PATS & St John Ambulance - Improving Regional Patient Outcomes
Compulsory Treatment - Offering Treatment and Support to Those At Risk
Mental Health Prevention - Investing in targeted programs and reducing long-term impacts
Puberty Blockers - Protecting our kids from potential harm
Tom Price Hospital - Delivering on Labor’s failed promises
Cutting Green Tape - Supporting industry to fast-track investment
Uranium Mining – Supporting the global energy transition
Wildlife Rescue - Recognising the work of our volunteers
Workplace Protection Orders - Protecting employees and customers
Law & Order Plan - Supporting our frontline officers
Community Safety: Antisemitism - Protecting religious and racial freedoms
Family and domestic violence GPS tracking - tougher measures for reoffenders
Firearm reforms - Making Western Australians safer
Horizontal Falls - Reversing Labor's Closure
100,000 NEW HOMES - Boosting WA's pipeline of housing supply
Stamp Duty Relief - Taking action on WA's housing crisis
Downsizing incentive rebate - Boosting housing choice for families
Regional Housing Infrastructure Program - Supporting Regional Growth
Expanding KidSport - Boosting Cost of Living Support for Families
Toy Libraries - Supporting Families During the Cost of Living Crisis
Reinstating SilverSport - Expanding Participation in Recreation for Seniors
Financial Counselling Support - Addressing Hardship with Practical Solutions
Keeping the lights on in Kalgoorlie - Delivering a reliable power supply
Evergreen bus contracts - Reversing Labor's attack on regional families
Prioritising Children and Their Development - Investing in our future.
Child Protection - Putting Western Australian children first
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Authorised by Libby Mettam, Liberal Party,
2 Parliament Place, West Perth WA 6005.